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It's Christmas time!

Every year the new students have the pleasure of organising the Christmas party at JLU. This time our new IRTG students from Cohort 2 - Rose Mary Paul, Charlotte Häuser and Zsa Zsa Boyny - did us the favour. The evening started in a relaxed way with some mulled wine and games to get everyone in the mood. Once everyone was in a good mood and had enjoyed some pizza, the programme began.

First, our head of the IRTG, Rod, gave one of his well-known presentations about the past year, summing up highlights including conferences, weddings and our daily work. To keep the atmosphere lively, Sarah Schießl-Weidenweber invited everyone to sing together and shared a wonderful poem dedicated to those people who are often overlooked but play an essential role.

The evening also included a theatrical performance entitled "A Paper is Born", which bore a striking resemblance to another story - so we trust it wasn't plagiarised and that good scientific writing rules were followed! We then enjoyed a fun round of bingo, an all-time favourite at the Institute, and finished with PowerPoint karaoke, led by Lennard Roscher-Ehrig.

It was a wonderfully organised evening. A big thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to seeing you next year!



IRTG 2843

Justus Liebig University Giessen

IFZ Research Centre

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32

35392 Giessen, Germany

Department of Plant Breeding

IFZ Building, Room B317
Tel: +49 641 99 37421

The University of Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Centre for Crop Science, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

© 2023 Plant Breeding Giessen

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